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LadyPenguin P Wine Tasting Set Wine Package by Jansword Zhu
LadyPenguin P Wine Tasting Set Wine Package
Different from western market, China consumers are still unfamiliar with wine. Synaesthesia is the Key word of this design. Typo-taste Synaesthesia and illustration-taste Synaesthesia. This is a tasting set choosing from six different grape species. We used Six kinds of typography to symbolized six characteristic of grape species (like Didot for Riesling, Optima for Merlot). Figurative animal illustrations also represent various features of the g ⥅
LadyPenguin P Wine Tasting Set
90.60.90 MoleCola Bottle by Curve Studio
90.60.90 MoleCola Bottle
A bottle for the Italian cola that speaks about Italy and Italian style. The shape of 90.60.90 plays with charming and curvy lines like the ones of Italian divas of 50’s and 60’s. In its silhouette you can easily recognize thin waist and round hips that evoke actresses like Sofia Loren. Moreover Italy means also fashion, that’s why the surface is finished like tweed, the cap is like a hat, the label reminds a belt. 90.60.90 is an exclusive bottle ⥅
90.60.90 MoleCola
Haruharu Wonder Black Rice Line Natural Skincare by DFS Company
Haruharu Wonder Black Rice Line Natural Skincare
Haruharu, meaning 'everyday' in Korean, is a natural cosmetic skincare brand that pursues honest beauty in the priority to basic skincare. Its new Wonder Black Rice Line is to boost your daily skin routine with an anti-aging substance, the extract of fermented black rice, to strengthen inner skin vitality and firmness. To highlight the key ingredient, 100% locally grown black rice, the package design emulates the unique shape and rare c ⥅
Haruharu Wonder Black Rice Line
Anoor Ice Cream Mousse by ION AVRAM
Anoor Ice Cream Mousse
The main concept was to celebrate the diversity of urban, cosmopolitan women and link it to positive emotional states and to flavors. The designer used folding cardboard instead of plastic, because it is a natural material, and it inspires trust. The cube-shaped box links it to an ice cube, and turns it into an unconventional and cool product. The design is minimalist, it brings a human touch by showing faces, emotions. Each flavor is linked with ⥅
Use toilet paper by 2Republic BTL Reklámügynökség
Use toilet paper
The Ooops Use design is created to facilitate consumers shopping processes, aid product storage and usage at home. The stylish package revolutionizes the look of toilet paper. Environmental consciousness was one of the main indicators during modeling. The new form and package material supports savings in production and material utilization. This resulted in creating smaller toilet paper package with more paper inside.
2Republic BTL Reklámügynökség
Swab Box Easy-to-pick Swab Box  by Fu Yibo
Swab Box Easy-to-pick Swab Box
Often opening up a new package of cotton swabs and pick up the first few swabs are really bothering. And while struggling to get one of them out, it is inevitable that people would touch some of the cotton swabs around, which is very unsanitary. This design concept aims to solve this problem, it has a deformable bottom made of silicone, so now people can push the bottom up with their finger and easily pick swabs out. ⥅
Swab Box
Plustwo Personal Care by Plustwo
Plustwo Personal Care
Magic is the brand tonality that Plustwo has always insisted on. At the same time, in order to make Plustwo's product innovation more outstanding, the Reco team created magic mirror and magic elements as its key vision. When the ampoules are poured into the base bottle, the magic elements are blended in the magic mirror, then the consumer can make their own products. In addition, the brand mascot “PLUS” has become the spokesman of the Plustw ⥅
homei Dried Herbs Package by Shanshan Chen
homei Dried Herbs Package
The logo mark indicates both the yin-yang balance and the action of stirring soups. The color choice of the mark represents colors of many dried herbs in this product line, while also suggesting warmth and Chinese element. The clean typography and iconography help the visual system minimal without losing authenticity. The existing herb products are usually packaged in big plastic bags because of their organic shapes. My solution towards this prob ⥅
Poker Kingdom Coffee Gift Box by Jiang Hong-Da
Poker Kingdom Coffee Gift Box
Poker Kingdom Coffee is a system of classification which makes complicated information about coffee like types, flavors, origin, roasting levels and processing methods sorted by the idea of poker. The designer has also visualized numerous information and figures to help consumers choose the coffee they like intuitively and easily. The high-density fibrous paper has been chosen for the product. The application of the wasting materials of the fir f ⥅
Poker Kingdom Coffee
Green Conut Handmade Soap by Zi Huai Shen
Green Conut Handmade Soap
Green Conut is brand of handmade soap. Unscented is the most unique feature of the products, giving it a good advantage in the market. The project strives to present the product's most natural scent by finding how to display the unscented characteristic. In order to highlight its unscented feature, the source ingredients are illustrated using a single color. The material is combined with the logo to form an auxiliary image which presents an ⥅
Green Conut
Qian Suan Bao Fermented Sour Soup by Zeng Li
Qian Suan Bao Fermented Sour Soup
Sour soup is a kind of food condiment specially used in restaurants in Guizhou Province. So every colorful and irregular pattern in the design has its deeper meaning and relevance, such as abstract chicken, duck and fish. First, consumers can feel the charm of the product from another dimension while being attracted by the visual, and second, enlarge products and the regional culture. As a match with all kinds of ingredients. Soup base is no exce ⥅
Qian Suan Bao
Msalais Wine by Jie Yang
Msalais Wine
This design is based on the Avanti image elements, Create an image of a wise man. Avanti is a historical figure in Xinjiang. He symbolizes bravery and wisdom. design team gives a variety of colors for Bottle body, which symbolizes the gorgeous natural environment of Xinjiang, like a oil painting. It also embodies the good moral of multi-ethnic unity. Msalais is actually a kind of fruit wine, so it is more suitable for ordinary drinking. As one of ⥅
Bravo Wine by Hu Jijun
Bravo Wine
Grape is a precious gift from nature, which brings people health, blessing, joy and rich emotion. The inspiration comes from "natural gift" to convey BRAVO's high quality and noble spiritual feelings. The shape of the wine cup comes from classic wine glasses, which is the authoritative representative of wine container. Combine with fleur-de-lis, the national flower of France, transmit the noble origin. When two BRAVO pack are putti ⥅
Long Gully Grove Olive Oil Branding by Adrian Fretwell
Long Gully Grove Olive Oil Branding
The idea for the design represents the story and background where the olive grove is located in Western Australia. The icon represents the hill to which the grove lies on with the sunsetting behind the hill towards the West. The seven trees on this hill represent the different types of olives that are used in the oil. Then combining the icon with the font Rosella gave it the edge the client was seeking. The label has a metallic copper finish for ⥅
Long Gully Grove
Mysterious Castle Wines Label by Valerii Sumilov
Mysterious Castle Wines Label
Nowadays, Mysterious Castle wines are sold widely throughout the Moscow and all the big cities of Russia. Creating various styles of visual design for this product was mainly influenced by different views and preferences to make it more attractive. Consequently, the latest version of the design optimally reflected the branding concept of the product and personally the wine maker. As the label completely encinctures the bottle, it creates a united ⥅
Mysterious Castle
Potemkin Bradies Label by Valerii Sumilov
Potemkin Bradies Label
Potemkin trademark brandy is being sold on the Ukrainian market for many years. Potemkin brandy trademark comprises wide variety of the products which are ordinary and vintage brandies. The agency has been implemented to execute an important and pretentious task, specifically to re-brand the vintage part of Potemkin brandy. The new design has drastically changed the situation. By replacing the decal on with a logo made of dense aluminum on the fr ⥅
Off the Eaten Path (UK) Savory Snack by PepsiCo Design and Innovation
Off the Eaten Path (UK) Savory Snack
Motivated by authentic experiences that pique curiosity, Off the Eaten Path is a new range of premium plant based and vegetable snacks with unexpected blends of familiar ingredients. The hand-drawn illustrations, inspired by premium health and beauty categories, romance the key ingredients inside. The bag in carton structure stands out at shelf amongst the competition.
Off the Eaten Path (UK)
PepsiCo Design and Innovation
Matilde Vicenzi Fruttizie by GIULIA DE ANDREIS
Matilde Vicenzi Fruttizie
It was a challenge to make Fruttizie’s innovative recipes believable for a brand that always represented the traditional Italian pastry products, as they are characterized by ingredients with added nutritional benefits. Another challenge encountered was to find a new visual language able to be integrated within Matilde Vicenzi’s brand architecture and being able to share its values and its patrimony, while giving the design a modern twist. ⥅
Matilde Vicenzi
Snow Beer: Marrs Green Beer by TIGER PAN
Snow Beer: Marrs Green Beer
Brewers who seize the summer market are more likely to win the game. This case, pretty obviously, is designed for summertime. The special color tone of Marrs Green attracts people's attention instantly. The portrait of the snowy scene conveys a cool and refreshing feeling and builds a mental connection to winter, cooling consumers mind. The design is highly presentable with a modern and minimalist style.
Snow Beer: Marrs Green
Bidjo Wines Label by Valerii Sumilov
Bidjo Wines Label
Bidjo Wines represents premium segment of the Georgian wines on the Ukrainian market. The label comprises of multiple different parts and has a unique shape. Its delicate design will create into the client's mind a strong desire to hold this bottle in his hands and examine it in more detail. Every little thing and the elements of the design interact with other components of the label. All that forms a delicious combination of traditional Geo ⥅
Visible Time Timed Fading Capsule by Yilin Zhao
Visible Time Timed Fading Capsule
Visible time is a new modification to traditional capsules, with a progress bar printed on our side of the capsule with our patented ink. As time goes by, the progress bars will become shorter and the color of the progress bar will become lighter. Only if the progress bars have come to an end, the drugs have expired. The patient can know if the drug has expired by observing the color of the progress bar. So as to avoid patients eating expired dru ⥅
Visible Time
Xiao Guan Tea Package by Yong Huang
Xiao Guan Tea Package
The visual elements of the package use the Qin dynasty terracotta warriors and horses, re-creating the terracotta warriors and horses, and at the same time, combined with the modern illustrator form, the storyline with the theme of small cans and the world is created, which makes the terracotta warriors and horses and the new tea culture collide with the modern spark. Under this creative expression, the creative form that combines fun and modern ⥅
Xiao Guan Tea
Pampiermole Beer Label by Egwin Wilterdink
Pampiermole Beer Label
The user can adjust the label himself, without being dependent on external help. This is because the client can make his own labels by adjusting the pdf document. This allows the brewery to print the labels or have them printed externally true offset. The fonts are embedded in the design. The name of the beer, the ingredients, the content, the bestbefore, the color of the beer and the bitterness of the beer can be adjusted. Changes to a layout ca ⥅
Unlimited Happiness Gift Box Set by Wong Ka Wai
Unlimited Happiness Gift Box Set
Unlimited Happiness is a paper sample catalog showcasing the power of combining fine paper, printing effects and design, while at the same time it is also a Chinese New Year gift box that include everything necessary for the holidays, ensure everyone a joyous occasion, and a happy new year. This box set is combined with tea coaster, candy tray, vase container, red packets and home decoration all together in one package. The design structure follo ⥅
Unlimited Happiness
Pibu Pibu Package Design by Young-eon Kim
Pibu Pibu Package Design
PIBU PIBU is a Korean bath and beauty brand that aims for natural and effective bath products with a unique system of letting their customers choose two ampoules from many choices of ampoules each with a specific effect. The package design focuses on two main targets to achieve: identification and representation. The material choice of the package represents the philosophy of the brand and the surface holds the brand identity. The package shaped ⥅
Pibu Pibu
Wake Up hangover remedy drinks by Existence Design Co., Ltd
Wake Up hangover remedy drinks
The package’s major visual structure takes the calligraphic Chinese character to be the core to encircle, and the free, easy and generous strokes depict a man’s truest disposition of being dashing, refined, unrestrained and unruly. The positioning of Wake up is directed at developing a functional beverage to get rid of hangover in daily life, via the direct and distinctive visual positioning and communication.
Wake Up
Existence Design Co., Ltd
Riba Leve Light Beer Label by Ruis Vargas
Riba Leve Light Beer Label
Laika developed the Riba Leve beer label design from visual concepts created by the office itself to the Riba brand identity, giving continuity to a brand's own way of communicating. In this sense, the mermaid, in re-reading the Riba brand, receives wings, because the beer is so light it gives the sensation of floating. The main color of Riba Leve's label is intentionally pink to be perceived as a break from other Riba brand beer labels ⥅
Riba Leve Light
Inwol Liquor Pakage by kiltae son
Inwol Liquor Pakage
Designer enjoys travelling because he can experience different lifestyles and unique cultures in foreign places. A travel souvenir is a trophy of a traveler and it makes him recall the trip. Thus, he wanted to have a impressive souvenir in Korea for visitors. It is created to show the tiled roof of a Korean traditional structure, which is Han-ok, with painted patterns. The Designer hopes that this design will be a memorable gift for tourists who ⥅
Waterloo Vintage Packaging by Omdesign
Waterloo Vintage Packaging
Porto Ferreira Waterloo Vintage 1815 was produced when the 1st Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon's army at the Battle of Waterloo and aged for two centuries in the Porto Ferreira cellars. This rarity has a unique packaging, totally handcrafted with silver, exotic wood and natural leather, and a very exclusive deluxe decanter in crystal and silver, illustrated with the scenery of the Douro Valley Demarcated Region and the silverware offere ⥅
Waterloo Vintage
Paths of Light  Dvd Box by Francisco Elias & Nelson Fernandes
Paths of Light Dvd Box
The best way to hold the short animation Paths of Light by Zina Caramelo was to ensure that the DVD had a beautiful case to match. The packaging actually looks like it was plucked from the woods and moulded to form a CD. On the outside, various lines are visible, almost appearing as small trees growing up the side of the case. The wooden exterior also helps to give it an extremely naturalistic look. Paths of Light is an extreme update from the ca ⥅
Paths of Light
Francisco Elias & Nelson Fernandes
POC Biodegradable Food Packaging by Felix Pöttinger
POC Biodegradable Food Packaging
POC: is a new seegras-based food packaging material which was designed to extend the durability of food, reduce foodwaste and reduce plastic packaging waste. The material is made from sea grass fiber and a binder from the extract of the fiber. Due to the antibacterial properties of the sea grass, a bio-composite can be produced, which is not only easily integrated into the industrial process, but also makes food longer lasting and the packaging c ⥅
LUSCIOUS cookies  cookies for cat by XiaoQiong Lin
LUSCIOUS cookies cookies for cat
Using the simplified plastic packaging to reduce waste; continuing the lovely illustration styles that consumers like and trend with a greater emphasis on cat's love of cat cookies; the expression of cat was full with humanity and childish,the visual impact of the expression between chick,kitty and the tunny in kitty's arm will let people deeply feel the implied interest.
LUSCIOUS cookies
Fallo protetto! Condom by Rossetti Brand Design
Fallo protetto! Condom
As everyone knows, one of the things that drives the world forward can also be a source of trouble: if you have sex, there is a risk that you will catch a disease. That’s why the name is Fallo protetto! which is “do it but in a safe way”. In italian fallo protetto has a double meaning: is the second-person singular, present tense imperative of the verb fare (to do or to make), but it is also a noun, deriving from the Latin phallus, the erect male ⥅
Fallo protetto!
Rossetti Brand Design
800th Anniversary Magna Carta Playing Cards by Alexander Chin
800th Anniversary Magna Carta Playing Cards
This limited edition card set commemorates the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta featuring a black and white deck series framed around the tension between Royals and Rebels. By designing the story within an interactive design system, the series creates an engaging and personalized packaging experience that allows the user to feel a sense of ownership over the design and own a piece of momentous history. Gold foils and embossing run throughout ⥅
800th Anniversary Magna Carta
Aquatic Life Cosmetic by Ji Eun Jang
Aquatic Life Cosmetic
Ji Eun Jang, graphic designer collaborated with Jamie Lee, acrylic painting artist, Ji Eun digitalized and changed to graphic version from the painting for the packaging design. They created abstract art that breathes life, color, playfulness, and beauty. As a beauty product, they want to feel and live it on the skin. They created appealing art they think represents the beautiful results you will discovered with Wynn Beauty & Health's pr ⥅
Aquatic Life
Beanopini Food by Angela Spindler
Beanopini Food
In branding and packaging this start-up snack food business, there was an opportunity to educate and captivate consumers about this superfood lupini bean. Historically, lupini beans have been an important part of the Mediterranean diet but they are little known by current consumers. To drive the inherent product benefits the design punched out its advantageous nutritional values both graphically and with quirky expressions. A very clear informati ⥅
SUMO-月光浴-(Moonlight Bath) Bath salt by KEIKO AKATSUKA
SUMO-月光浴-(Moonlight Bath) Bath salt
SUMO -Super Monument- is a Japanese brand for leading people to wonderful life. "GEKKOYOKU" is a bath salt which was given the energy from new moon. For a packaging design, I focused images of Moon, Spiritual thing, a little Japanese traditional style, and quite new design. Especially the circle drawing on tag, it can be reflected light of moon. That light gives people energy of moon.
SUMO-月光浴-(Moonlight Bath)
Beeopic Honey by Sophia Georgopoulou
Beeopic Honey
Beeopic is a premium quality thyme honey from Kalymnos, Greece. The name Beeopic was born based on a play on the English word biopic which is used to describe a cinematic or television biography of a person and the bee, expressing the dedication beekeeping demands in order to achieve high quality honey. Inspired by the brand name, the design expresses the idea that the bee itself writes the beekeapers' life. By choosing this idea, a logo was ⥅
Sophia Georgopoulou
Ipek Shampoo Bottle by Musa Çelik
Ipek Shampoo Bottle
Ipek is the hair care brand of L’Oreal and it is market leader of shampoo category budget segment in Turkey. A feminine and curvy packaging design was prepared for Ipek based on powerful woman concept. Consumer expectations, category codes and latest trends were taken into consideration during design process of the package. The package was designed based on an intensive research and design know-how. It also got full marks from consumer tests. ⥅
Scarlet Jade  Festive Gift Set by Shawn Goh Chin Siang
Scarlet Jade Festive Gift Set
The design is inspired by the similar gift-giving tradition of Chinese and Japanese, as a means of passing good wishes and expressing gratitude. As red is a traditionally symbolic colour of happiness, the main packaging box comes in a bright, vibrant red tone adorned with sophisticated hand-drawn auspicious elements. The boldness of the main design body is balanced out by pastel coloured gift bag, creating a modern, youthful vibe. ⥅
Scarlet Jade
Shawn Goh Chin Siang
Incia Liquid Soap by Musa Çelik
Incia Liquid Soap
Incia products contain 100% natural ingredients. Packaging design alternatives which are inline with this claim were prepared. Performance was highlighted with asymmetric and masculine shoulder details. On the other hand, a soft body form was designed for a sense of innocence. A stylized leaf figure was applied to the bottle to emphasize naturalness in an aesthetic way. We have once again emphasized the eco friendly property of the product, desig ⥅
Incia Household Cleaners by Musa Çelik
Incia Household Cleaners
Incia household cleaner series which contain herbal ingredients and are produced by completely natural methods. A bottle series which is inline with this claim and “as pure as nature” motto of the brand was designed. Packaging design alternatives inspired from water flow were prepared for Incia household cleaners. Special details were added to the designs for an easy grip with wet hand. Green caps were preferred referring to herbal essences in th ⥅
Maquinon Wine bottle by Estudio Maba
Maquinon Wine bottle
The intention for Maquinon was to design a packaging full of light, color and rhythm, to refresh a wine of a very particular denomination of origin and full of personality. Maquinon is biodynamic wine, what means that nature and moon phases has an important goal in its production. Light in the dark was included on design, as a small bulb that brights when the dark is over. A vibrant and rhythmic design, as are the tasting notes of the wine. Impos ⥅
DND Mosquito Repellent by BLOK
DND Mosquito Repellent
DND is a new brand of innovative mosquito repellent products in India. The studio developed the identity & packaging from the brand's inception. For their fastest selling product, the focus was on its packaging communicating the brand's innovative personality. The logo, (inspired by keyholes referring to Do-Not-Disturb) transforms itself into a functional element for the packaging, acting as a hook for the boxes to be hung at retail ⥅
Qianbei Wang This is a Tea beverage by LIANG HONGNING
Qianbei Wang This is a Tea beverage
This product in China, is a tea drink with national characteristics. Packaging appears the most distinctive visual elements of the minority. For example, the symbol of ethnic minorities (tau) and architectural features, as well as natural scenery, unique colors, etc.. Consumers can be quickly identified in the market and like it. This product is left behind by the ancestors of the "Yao", the product needs to reflect the authentic visual ⥅
Qianbei Wang
Miss Seesaw  Health Supplements for woman by Existence Design Co., Ltd
Miss Seesaw Health Supplements for woman
The logo of MS presents the original intention of looking after and caring for female consumers. MS is designed by combining the first letter “M” with pattern of heart to constitute a girl’s smiling face, symbolizing health that makes a smile natural and sustains women’s wonderful life. Soft colors are used in logo design of Miss Seesaw’s nutritional supplements for women, along with a face outlined by elegant lines to express different styles an ⥅
Miss Seesaw
Existence Design Co., Ltd
The design of easy openning  yogurt box by Lu Yi
The design of easy openning yogurt box
The design of easy openning is a yogurt box.It's more convenient than ordinary box.beause this design has a corner bending down that is on the top of the surface, which connects the packaging and box.The corner offers a bigger leveraging point than ordinary yogurt box.So that can make people more quickly and easily tear off the packaging.
The design of easy openning
Breathing Chinese spirits Bottle and Box by Sihui Li
Breathing Chinese spirits Bottle and Box
The purpose of this project is to explore a break through in traditional Chinses wine packaging design, to use a different perspective, usage to stimulate customer’s interest in buying the product. The portable and convenient features of this product could bring a delightful experience to the customer. The design employed multiple materials, various shapes to make the whole concept more fluent. The new concept could bring more customer groups and ⥅
Natures Art Vegetable Can by Gabriela Chelsoi  | CreativeByDefinition
Natures Art Vegetable Can
The packaging design composition combines hand drawn illustrations with colors like red and purple. The insertion of these particular colors contrast with the black line illustrations on a white canvas, reflecting the natural origin of the products inside the can. The center of the composition is placed slightly to the left, letting the logo and product description to present itself on the right side. The illustrations are graphically describing ⥅
Natures Art
Gabriela Chelsoi | CreativeByDefinition
Dream of Blue, Handmade Team. alchohol by Chang Weijie
Dream of Blue, Handmade Team. alchohol
Outer packaging with wood grain handmade paper, the bottle decorated by handicraft-making team. Bottle chose to use champagne gold plating process, and the entire bottle seal sticker made by hand. The designer also added anti-counterfeiting ink and banknote anti-counterfeit technology to increase technical difficulty of products.
Dream of Blue, Handmade Team.
Dell' Albero limoncello Alcohol packaging by Kent Walker
Dell' Albero limoncello Alcohol packaging
Dell’ Albero translates to ‘from the tree’ and this inspired the hand-crafted treatment of this iconic Italian lemon liqueur. By way of tradition, the base of each lemon tree is coated with white paint to deter crawling insects from reaching the fruit. A white ceramic base resembling the tree trunk forms an integral part of the design and provides a functional purpose by acting as both a stand and ‘chiller’ for the bottle when placed in the freez ⥅
Dell' Albero limoncello
Brugal Papá Andrés  Structural & Packaging Design by Guillermo Dufranc
Brugal Papá Andrés Structural & Packaging Design
Brugal Papa Andrés, created for and enjoyed by the Brugal family, has never before been released for sale up to now. Only a crystal decanter could do justice to this limited edition rum. The neck collar graces its slender neck and a metal face plaque has been hand polished and finished with a sand blast engraving inspired by Dominican architecture. The bottle design Tridimage created provides a new expression of extraordinary quality to enjoy and ⥅
Brugal Papá Andrés
Guillermo Dufranc
The party host seeds packaging by Ampro Design
The party host seeds packaging
The challenge was to build on brand’s strong holds (high quality, professional, reliable and innovative) by adding a touch of conviviality, approachability and good mood, recommending it for pleasurable socializing. The project main objectives were to make the pack “speak” consumer language in this segment in order to increase preference and to increase visibility and appeal at black seeds shelf. The creative solution was to present Nutline as th ⥅
The party host
METAXA DEEPER ROOTS Packaging Design by The House of Metaxa
In the world of spirits, METAXA is celebrated as the smoothest spirit under the Sun. Its smoothness takes its roots in the islands of the Aegean Sea in Greece, and more specifically in the Muscat grapes grown on these islands. To pay tribute to these roots, the House of Metaxa introduces METAXA Deeper Roots, a limited-edition bottle of METAXA 5 Stars 1L, dressed in a stunning gold and blue sleeve, on which the design of the Muscat vine intertwine ⥅
The House of Metaxa
Nidar Sjokolade Chocolate packaging by Stine Strand
Nidar Sjokolade Chocolate packaging
Nidar Sjokolade
Buttonwood  Packaging by Annie Wu
Buttonwood Packaging
Ms. Annie Wu and her professor collaborated on the project for a year from the concept to the execution. Buttonwood is a café and bakery located on main street in Pleasanton, California. The name and the packages of the cafe and bakery were inspired by the original name of the town after the sycamore tree. The patterns contain hand drawn leaves and pastries sold in the shop, intricately woven together. The pencil drawing was later scanned and edi ⥅
Treboom brewery beer Beer Packaging Design by United by Design
Treboom brewery beer Beer Packaging Design
The bottle labels are for a micro-brewery who make craft beer. The business needed bottle labels as it was making the transition from producing cask ales to bottling. The brewery need to have labels that would significantly differentiate them in a very crowded market on shelves of bars and supermarkets. The bespoke bold illustrations for each ale are brought to life using printing techniques to tell a story and engage the drinker. ⥅
Treboom brewery beer
Lithuanian Vodka Gold Vodka Packaging Design by Asta Kauspedaite
Lithuanian Vodka Gold Vodka Packaging Design
Purity and clarity are the main properties that reflect a vodka's quality. They had to be emphasized while rebranding Lithuanian Vodka Gold – the vodka market leader in Lithuania. At the same time some features of national identity were introduced – the Lithuanian Vodka name itself demanded this choice. Authentic ethnic motives transformed into a modern, uncluttered composition. Once the massiveness of the old label was destroyed to create a ⥅
Lithuanian Vodka Gold
Sneaker Freaker Limited Edition T-Shirt Packaging by eskju · Bretz & Jung
Sneaker Freaker Limited Edition T-Shirt Packaging
Inspired by pizza boxes. The task for eskju was to print a limited T-shirt with an illustration initially made for German footwear magazine Sneaker Freaker. The package had to be affordable but cool, handmade and environment-friendly with a personal feel. They bought some cardboard boxes, the kind available everywhere on the web and designed the surface with changing tonal values and intense red color to increase the power of the logo. Combining ⥅
Sneaker Freaker
eskju · Bretz & Jung
SASA Bottle Water Packaging by Hakan Gürsu
SASA Bottle Water Packaging
Designed for productifying of a new, BPA-free plastic material, the bottle family (product group) design for SASA Polyester is intended for the bottled water market in Turkey. Aiming to express the innovative characteristics of its material and brand image, the structural design builds an identity through distinctive use of form, color, shapes and patterns. The results reflect an aesthetic, sturdy and tangible bottle with a superior taste. Target ⥅
SASA Bottle
Rudy & Billy Wine Packaging Design by Luka Balic
Rudy & Billy Wine Packaging Design
Rudy & Billy is wine brand that serves wine in a beer bottle, targeting young people who search for the beer alternatives. Merged letters depict blending between the elegance of wine and practicality of a beer bottle. The idea of "turning wine clichés upside down" is expressed through logo mark which looks the same when standing up and upside-down. Because it looks the same even when turned upside-down, it also has the meaning of &q ⥅
Rudy & Billy
I-Cube Water Packaging by Hakan Gürsu
I-Cube Water Packaging
In order to promote the use of SASA Polyester’s new, BPA-free plastic material, the I-Cube water bottle is designed to replace traditional polycarbonate and glass water packages. Combining an innovative and hygienic material with a lightweight and compact design, the bottle aims for increased convenience of the user. Employing a supercircle profile, I-Cube saves space and energy by carrying more water in the same base area than the cylindrical bo ⥅
Lote 8 Olive oil Packaging by Guillermo Dufranc
Lote 8 Olive oil Packaging
Lote 8 is a Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil produced in Uruguay. It is the result of the dream of a family who loves to produce an extraordinary olive oil with beloved craftmanship and dedication. The brief was to design a disctintive bottle with a unique bottle design. The design was conceived to attract customers’ attention and communicate the simplicity and authenticity. The design inspiration came from vintage bottles, similar to those who alc ⥅
Lote 8 Olive oil
Guillermo Dufranc
Colourland paints is the No. 1 Malaysia Paint Manufacturer and Distributer, in order to compete with international renowned brands such as Nippon Paints, Dulux and Jotun Paints, a 360 degree total make over for their packaging is required. The designs are introduced to its uniqueness by setting higher design quality and making end users easier in recognizing the usage of the paints dedicated to various painting needs, the design has also incor ⥅
Prof.Dr. Jeffery Yap ®
EcoPack Shirt Packaging by Liam Alexander Ward
EcoPack Shirt Packaging
This shirt packaging sets itself apart form conventional packaging by not using any plastic whatsoever. Utilizing an existing waste stream and manufacture process, this product is not only very simple to produce, but is also very simple to dispose of, the primary material composting down to nothing. The product can be first pressed, and then identified with company branding through die-cutting and printing to create a unique structural product th ⥅
Liam Alexander Ward
Brigaderia Easter Edition 2012 Packaging by Gustavo Piqueira
Brigaderia Easter Edition 2012 Packaging
To develop a new series of Easter packaging for Brigaderia, a Brazilian confectionery store that sells "brigadeiro" sweets, we have recreated advertising prints from the 50's and the 60's and using the brigadeiro as a focal point. By replacing the popular old products (e.g.: margarine, soap, television set…) with brigadeiros, we created an unusual packaging concept that moves away from traditional Easter editions clichés. ⥅
Brigaderia Easter Edition 2012
The Project was to Design brand new impression with the existing product packaging, which my client was not impressed. This is the first product that INNOTIVO ever did, my client expected my design to set a benchmark for the coming products in future, and this product packaging have successful fulfill the "INNOTIVO" way of design, Futuristic and Strong Visual Impact.
Prof.Dr. Jeffery Yap ®
Scratch Cave Cat Scratcher by Gloguu Ltd
Scratch Cave Cat Scratcher
Scratch Cave is a small cat furniture. People and cat can create their own way of playing. Its inspiration comes from the imagination of nature in childhood that people can place it like a toy corner and participate in the process of playing. Using natural materials and arc bridge shapes to awaken the natural instinct of cats about mountains, caves, and a sense of security. It has six times the scratch area of the ordinary cat scratchers, extendi ⥅
Scratch Cave
Blockazo Chocolate Bar for Sharing by Guillermo Dufranc
Blockazo Chocolate Bar for Sharing
Blockazo is a one of its kind 1kg chocolate bar specially designed for sharing and breaking it up into big chunks of chocolate resulting in an unforgettable consumer experience. The inspiration came from the construction industry and concrete since this huge chocolate bar is like a big building that needs to be demolished to be consumed. The bar is made of chocolate with peanuts and its packaging is made of a flexible mix of PP and PE. The result ⥅
Guillermo Dufranc
Dr.Bei S7 Sonic Electric Toothbrush by DR.BEI
Dr.Bei S7 Sonic Electric Toothbrush
Inspired by octopus's tentacles, the product can be flexibly controlled to penetrate into various tooth corners, S7 has pioneered a 4D elastic brush head, which can bend elastically to deeply clean teeth while protecting consumers' sensitive gums. Applying the step-less acceleration principle of racing cars to the electric toothbrush, users can adjust the power of toothbrush step-lessly to meet various oral cleaning requirements. The si ⥅
Dr.Bei S7
Typeface Calendar by Katsumi Tamura
Typeface Calendar
Typeface is a calendar designed around the concept of the typeface. The set contains four sheets, consisting of the months from January to December, punched out in an original typeface. You can assemble the sheets into calendar units that each display three months of the year. Quality designs have the power to modify space and transform the minds of its users. They offer comfort of seeing, holding and using. They are imbued with lightness and an ⥅
Feng Ya Wu Zhen Ceramic Speaker by Chao Yang
Feng Ya Wu Zhen Ceramic Speaker
This is a government project that combines Chinese Eastern aesthetics with ceramic speakers, reflecting the cultural heritage of Wuzhen, Zhejiang. It uses ceramic pigments to convey the artistic conception of Chinese culture by incorporating Chinese landscape elements. Reflecting the cultural characteristics of ancient architecture in Wuzhen, Zhejiang, the packaging of ceramic speakers uses recyclable materials and incorporates Braille to create ⥅
Feng Ya Wu Zhen

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