Kelly Lin

Award-winning Designer from China

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Kelly Lin

Kelly Lin


Meet Kelly Lin - a powerhouse of good design, creativity and innovation based in China. Kelly Lin's design journey has been nothing short of spectacular, marked by a tireless pursuit of excellence. This dedication is clearly mirrored in Kelly Lin's impressive haul of 5 A' Design Awards that we showcase here. Spanning across categories such as Interior, Kelly Lin's work stands as a living testament to a steadfast commitment to design excellence, serving as a beacon of inspiration for designers globally. With each project, Kelly Lin masterfully blends form and function, crafting designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and timeless. This approach underscores Kelly Lin's celebration of creativity and an unyielding quest for innovation.

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Merchants Yonglan Bay Sales Center by Kelly Lin
Merchants Yonglan Bay Sales Center
Merchants Yonglan Bay Sales Center
This project is located in Qinhan New City of Xixian New Area, Xi An, China. Inspired from the tiny creatures of the natural word, the designer likens the interior to a forest space under the ecological vision. The ever-changing beauty of nature surges in space through golden crystals, rough rocks, lush forests, active creatures, etc., giving people an experience of strolling in the forest, which is full of vitality.
Merchants Yonglan Bay
CR Land Runcheng Sales Center by Kelly Lin
CR Land Runcheng Sales Center
CR Land Runcheng Sales Center
Hefei, a city with a 2000 year history, is where this project is located. With luxury, ecological harmony, and humanistic art as its hallmarks, it seeks to offer residents a high quality life. Among others, the art installation is curved and intertwined, as if forming a metaphorical wheel of time and space. The bright crystal lampposts enhance the space's transparency and openness while displaying an aesthetic style that is echoed in modern furniture. By adhering to the dot, line, and plane design and shunning flashy and stereotype, the designer aims to make it an era coordinate of Hefei.
CR Land Runcheng
Boyue Palace Sales Center by Kelly Lin
Boyue Palace Sales Center
Boyue Palace Sales Center
This project that is located in Shenzhen Expo Bay, benefits from the area's ecology and urban energy. The chandeliers, which exude a dynamic strength, resemble the upside-down roots and vines of the banyan trees found on Shenzhen's roadsides. A heavy spatial wall is replaced by the wall of mossy landscape. Carpet, curved furniture, art wall paintings, and vegetation convey a relaxing and pleasant vibe. By doing this, it is possible to give individuals a rich immersive experience as well as enhance its commercial value.
Boyue Palace
Xishuang Linyu Marketing Center by Kelly Lin
Xishuang Linyu Marketing Center
Xishuang Linyu Marketing Center
The form of the screen resembles the winding shape of rainforest landscape. Various sculptural hangings and ornaments with Dai features are created by the designer. The curved tassel lamps, metal flower ornaments, round carpets, Dai pattern pillows, and single chairs with mortise and tenon construction blend together harmoniously. This will help people better appreciate the customs of Dai Nationality. In this case, local humanity is honored and the appeal of traditional customs and modern art is explored.
Xishuang Linyu
Henqin Macro Bay Model House by Kelly Lin
Henqin Macro Bay Model House
Henqin Macro Bay Model House
This project is located in Zhuhai Hengqin International Finance Center, China. From the irregular figure sculpture and modern geometrical elements to the lively plants, work is done to build a space for free lifestyles via the creation of scenes. In the open restaurant, the designer uses stylish chandelier and withered red flowers to combine the aesthetic elements with the daily life. Warmth is conveyed in bedrooms and vitality emerges as the sun shines through the glass. This is how the designer uses an artistically developed field to portray the appeal of life in simple language.
Henqin Macro Bay

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