Andy Leung

Award-winning Designer from China

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Andy Leung

Andy Leung


Meet Andy Leung - a powerhouse of good design, creativity and innovation based in China. Andy Leung's design journey has been nothing short of spectacular, marked by a tireless pursuit of excellence. This dedication is clearly mirrored in Andy Leung's impressive haul of 5 A' Design Awards that we showcase here. Spanning across categories such as Interior, Andy Leung's work stands as a living testament to a steadfast commitment to design excellence, serving as a beacon of inspiration for designers globally. With each project, Andy Leung masterfully blends form and function, crafting designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and timeless. This approach underscores Andy Leung's celebration of creativity and an unyielding quest for innovation.

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Guangzhou Poly Longyue Sales Center by Andy Leung
Guangzhou Poly Longyue Sales Center
Guangzhou Poly Longyue Sales Center
The project is located in Guangzhou, south of the Tropic of Cancer. Guangzhou has plenty of sunlight every year, and the sun changes rapidly on a day in summer. The inspiration for this project comes from light. The space is connected in series through the design language of geometric interspersing. At the same time, the facade is hollowed out through accurate calculation, so that lights can be interspersed and integrated with each other, to form the coherence and interaction of the space.
Guangzhou Poly Longyue
Shanghui Haoting Sales Center by Andy Leung
Shanghui Haoting Sales Center
Shanghui Haoting Sales Center
The project is located in Shanghai and was designed by the issi team. Describe what is seen, Issi maintained the original space atmosphere, showed the spatial landscape of the indoor garden through trees, and completed the space renovation plan. Ivory marble shows a sense of rhythm. The design creates an elegant and refined space.
Shanghui Haoting
Bauhinia Business Center Office by Andy Leung
Bauhinia Business Center Office
Bauhinia Business Center Office
The project is located in Ningbo, China, a city that was the starting point of the ancient Maritime Silk Road .The design inspiration comes from the container terminal. By combining container elements, colors and geometric figures in an orderly manner, an industrial-style business center is constructed.Taking the container as a box, each individual space is stacked and reassembled and redistributed through the whole space to form different open areas and structure.
Bauhinia Business Center
DreamWorks Space  Office by Andy Leung
DreamWorks Space Office
DreamWorks Space Office
The project is located in Suzhou, China. The design features circular and curved ceilings that portray a cosmic atmosphere. Good design can open up other possibilities than a traditional grid house. Designers pay attention to the concept of color, using blue and white porcelain and white technology to present a sense of space and modern.
DreamWorks Space
Lakeville Regency Residence by Andy Leung
Lakeville Regency Residence
Lakeville Regency Residence
This project is located in Shanghai, China. The interior space is designed in a colonial style.The colors are contrasted with black and white. The materials, such as terrazzo cut into small bricks, woven texture paper, and shutters with Far Eastern architectural style, show oriental flavor and colonialism. Besides,the space is modern and minimal. And then, the details of space also adopt minimalist processing methods, such as the concealed door and the socket panel, which satisfies the function while not destroying the overall atmosphere of the space.
Lakeville Regency

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