Konstantinos Gkagkos

Award-winning Designer from Greece

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Konstantinos Gkagkos

Konstantinos Gkagkos


Meet Konstantinos Gkagkos - a powerhouse of good design, creativity and innovation based in Greece. Konstantinos Gkagkos's design journey has been nothing short of spectacular, marked by a tireless pursuit of excellence. This dedication is clearly mirrored in Konstantinos Gkagkos's impressive haul of 2 A' Design Awards that we showcase here. Spanning across categories such as Interior, Konstantinos Gkagkos's work stands as a living testament to a steadfast commitment to design excellence, serving as a beacon of inspiration for designers globally. With each project, Konstantinos Gkagkos masterfully blends form and function, crafting designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and timeless. This approach underscores Konstantinos Gkagkos's celebration of creativity and an unyielding quest for innovation.

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Zafiri Cava Deli Retail Shop by Konstantinos Gkagkos
Zafiri Cava Deli Retail Shop
Zafiri Cava Deli Retail Shop
The design study was done with the aim of the project being reminiscent of a traditional mansion in the heart of the island. The visitor is confronted with a special aspect of the store due to the arches that adorn the window. An important place in the plan was the stately cellar of the store. An element that contributed to the atmosphere of the space was the application of classic chandeliers that intensify the island style to the fullest.
Zafiri Cava Deli
Konstantinos Gkagkos
Cavaliere Restaurant by Konstantinos Gkagkos
Cavaliere Restaurant
Cavaliere Restaurant
The aim of this project was to create an area which would provide something fresh in Design with high aesthetics and finesse. The multidimensional decoration uses a wide range of materials, with several glam elements and whispers from art deco, with golden metallic details, the velvet, the marble in green shade and the dark color range to be consistent with the final result. As always, emphasis has been given to the lighting of the space, internally and externally, which gives a relief and evocative result by emphasizing the architectural details.
Konstantinos Gkagkos

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