Joel Derksen

Award-winning Designer from Netherlands

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Joel Derksen

Joel Derksen


Meet Joel Derksen - a powerhouse of good design, creativity and innovation based in Netherlands. Joel Derksen's design journey has been nothing short of spectacular, marked by a tireless pursuit of excellence. This dedication is clearly mirrored in Joel Derksen's impressive haul of 5 A' Design Awards that we showcase here. Spanning across categories such as Packaging and Graphic, Joel Derksen's work stands as a living testament to a steadfast commitment to design excellence, serving as a beacon of inspiration for designers globally. With each project, Joel Derksen masterfully blends form and function, crafting designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and timeless. This approach underscores Joel Derksen's celebration of creativity and an unyielding quest for innovation.

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Artem Packaging by Joel Derksen
Artem Packaging
Artem Packaging
Artem Straps is an Australia-based brand with a vision of redefining watch straps for the passionate collector. Artem's brand experience honors the intense perfectionism of the founding team and their ambition to be seen as the Aston Martin of watch straps. The brand takes a refined and technical approach, with a bright royal blue and soft greys. The logo and monogram take cues from the buckle design, with automotive curves and considered contrasts.
Poetic Hotel Packaging by Joel Derksen
Poetic Hotel Packaging
Poetic Hotel Packaging
Poetic Hotel
Honey of the Messestadt Packaging by Joel Derksen
Honey of the Messestadt Packaging
Honey of the Messestadt Packaging
In 1992, visionary planners transformed an abandoned Munich airport into an “eco-utopian” community. Concrete runways were replaced with tree-lined bike paths. Today, residents of this car-less district invest in projects that directly benefit the community. With only 30 jars of this honey made each year, it was important to bring the story of this unique community to life in the packaging.
Honey of the Messestadt
WikiWiki Poke Shop Branding by Joel Derksen
WikiWiki Poke Shop Branding
WikiWiki Poke Shop Branding
Wiki Wiki's bold approach to Poke seafood dishes led us to take an equally bold approach: black and white, bold colours, and a dynamic identity. The new restaurant has been seen in Grand Rapids as "a piece of Amsterdam" within a city known for its Americana and provenance-based visual landscape. While engaging with the client, the brief came as a manifesto to move away from the Americana cues, or the Hawaiian "tiki" cues. The urban, intense, London-Amsterdam inspired design language brought the owner's vision to life.
WikiWiki Poke Shop
Ian Bennett Architecture Branding by Joel Derksen
Ian Bennett Architecture Branding
Ian Bennett Architecture Branding
Ian's work is the dynamic engagement of interior and exterior spaces with bold, unapologetic, masculine forms. This identity plays with negative space and forms around it, including the air around the paper itself. A customised verison of Classic Grotesque with its angled edges and refined forms compliments the immaculate detailing of Ian's work.
Ian Bennett Architecture

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