Valentino Chow

Award-winning Designer from Hong Kong (China)

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Valentino Chow

Valentino Chow


Meet Valentino Chow - a powerhouse of good design, creativity and innovation based in Hong Kong (China). Valentino Chow's design journey has been nothing short of spectacular, marked by a tireless pursuit of excellence. This dedication is clearly mirrored in Valentino Chow's impressive haul of 3 A' Design Awards that we showcase here. Spanning across categories such as Baby Products, Sporting Goods and Vehicle, Valentino Chow's work stands as a living testament to a steadfast commitment to design excellence, serving as a beacon of inspiration for designers globally. With each project, Valentino Chow masterfully blends form and function, crafting designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and timeless. This approach underscores Valentino Chow's celebration of creativity and an unyielding quest for innovation.

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Edam Balance Bike by Valentino Chow
Edam Balance Bike
Edam Balance Bike
Inspire the small universe Stimulate children's growth sensory potential. Let children break through the traditional thinking framework and Push the boundaries. Hong Kong custom design studio Edam wanted a fun family project, likely to keep them entertained through the hot and Rain summer in Hong Kong. To get the owner light balance young son on Three spokes wheels, Stripped it down to the bare essentials, and rebuilt it into a fully tuned, lighter, and way cooler superbike.
Huger board Electronic  skateboard by Valentino Chow
Huger board Electronic skateboard
Huger board Electronic skateboard
The Huger E-Skateboard provides an amazing riding experience with smooth braking, powerful electric motors, and simple wireless control. This boosted board also features an extended range battery pack, water-resistant electronics, and advanced connectivity in addition to everything you love about traditional skateboards like its loaded bamboo deck. It’s backed by a high-torque drive train, and an industry leading consumer report.
Huger board
Huger Bike Electronic Bike  by Valentino Chow
Huger Bike Electronic Bike
Huger Bike Electronic Bike
Full throttle performance at your fingertips. Extends your ride with greater ease. Lighting and turning indication system for added safety protection. Real-time video recording to share your exciting rides. Uniquely crafted frame with a fusion touch of off road and urban riding elements. Built for ultimate adrenaline rush. Rule the trail.
Huger Bike

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