Toshihiko Sakai

Award-winning Designer from Japan

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Toshihiko Sakai

Toshihiko Sakai


Meet Toshihiko Sakai - a powerhouse of good design, creativity and innovation based in Japan. Toshihiko Sakai's design journey has been nothing short of spectacular, marked by a tireless pursuit of excellence. This dedication is clearly mirrored in Toshihiko Sakai's impressive haul of 2 A' Design Awards that we showcase here. Spanning across categories such as Consumer Electronics and Sanitary Ware, Toshihiko Sakai's work stands as a living testament to a steadfast commitment to design excellence, serving as a beacon of inspiration for designers globally. With each project, Toshihiko Sakai masterfully blends form and function, crafting designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and timeless. This approach underscores Toshihiko Sakai's celebration of creativity and an unyielding quest for innovation.

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Kotori 501 Bluetooth Speaker by Toshihiko Sakai
Kotori 501 Bluetooth Speaker
Kotori 501 Bluetooth Speaker
At first sight, Kotori 501’ looks nothing more than an acrylic cylinder wrapped in a cloth. Plastic parts are set back as far as possible and a short foot is placed at each end to prevent it from rolling. Transparent acrylic discs at the ends are the controllers. The design is easy to fit any kind of interior. Also a cloth cover is replaceable. Customer can select one from five different colors.
Kotori 501
R2300 Series Space saving bathroom accessories by Toshihiko Sakai
R2300 Series Space saving bathroom accessories
R2300 Series Space saving bathroom accessories
A bathroom of Japanese apartment is prefabricated unit and very small. The designer aimed to produce Bathroom accessories which would fit to the space. That means to keep its function and do not inhibit opening and closing door, keep good enough space to move around. Generally square shaped design would fit it. But a concept of R2300 is” Bring soft atmosphere to bathroom.” Each surface of the products had divided finely and adjusted irregularities in detail. It realized good enough size and round form, smooth curve.
R2300 Series

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