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Waiting for the Wave in Metaverse Digital Artworks by Midori Yamazaki
Waiting for the Wave in Metaverse Digital Artworks
This artwork is a visualisation of the momentary shape of a wave in perfect shape for surfing that is aesthetically pleasing and gives the audience pleasant confusion simultaneously. It was created through a creative process between digital and physical, mixing reality and virtual reality in collaboration with EPFL. It attempts to generate an experience in nature and reaffirms the supple strength of human cognitive abilities that select aesthetic ⥅
Buky Illustration by Nikola Eftimov
Buky Illustration
The Buky series is a part of a larger project known as Glagolitic Stories. It is named after the second letter of the Glagolitic script and is inspired by the elegance of Glagolitic characters. The illustration features a transformed hoodie with a print of the Buky letter, enhanced by accessories, clothing treatment, makeup, and overall ambiance. What makes this illustration unique is the specific inspiration and technical approach, which is base ⥅
Balhae Character Design by Ziwan Li
Balhae Character Design
The background of the project follows apprentice Junghyae and her mentor, Master Yoo, summoned to Gyeru village to banish spirits from the seas. Their journey unveils Balhae's culture and mystical practices. This character design project pays homage to Balhae's civilization, blending history and fantasy. The artist's fascination with history, culture, and fashion not only imbues this design project with aesthetic appeal and functio ⥅
New Year Illustration by Jui-Ping Lee
New Year Illustration
In a tranquil courtyard, amidst the gentle flurry of winter's snow and the vibrant hues of autumn leaves, sits a graceful figure adorned in an exquisite Kimono. The scene evokes the essence of Wabisabi, embodying the beauty of solitude and serenity. Delicate patterns adorn the fabric, mostly Pines, symbolizing solemnity; and the rhythmic Seigaiha representing the tranquility of the sea. Zooming in reveals more intricate details, a stone plat ⥅
New Year
Roses and Kaleidoscope NFT Digital Art  by Rozita Sophia Fogelman
Roses and Kaleidoscope NFT Digital Art
This is a fascinating project that started in 2012 as a Facebook page where ASCII and Unicode patterns have been generated. In this abstract project, the generated patterns are adapted for digital art. Why ASCII and Unicode for digital design are so clever? This project shows how a straightforward system of 8-bit and 16-bit code and potentially any HTML text field can be utilised to generate intensely beautiful patterns through iteration and dura ⥅
Roses and Kaleidoscope
Rozita Sophia Fogelman

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